Modules | Status | Topics | Link |
Goals and Objectives <ol> <li>List <span style="color:#d35400;"><strong>indications and contraindications</strong></span> for US guided breast biopsies</li> <li>List <span style="color:#d35400;"><strong>pre-procedural</strong></span> imaging and evaluation necessary prior to biopsy</li> <li>Identify necessary items for <span style="color:#d35400;"><strong>table set up</strong></span> of US guided breast biopsy</li> <li>Compare and contrast common biopsy devices</li> <li>Describe patient positioning for US guided breast biopsy</li> <li>Describe steps to performing an US guided biopsy</li> <li>Recognize common complications of US guided breast biopsies and ways to prevent them</li> </ol> | Start |