Brain Infection - MR Diffusion
Brain Infection - MR Diffusion
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MR diffusion
There is evidence of a cortical/subcortical T2-shine through on diffusion consistent with leptomeningitis, or evidence of T2 shine through within brain parenchyma consistent with cerebritis/cerebellitis/rhombencephalitis. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of a parenchymal abscess or intraventricular infected sequestra with positive fluid restriction (i.e. positive DWI and positive ADC). [Yes/No]
There is evidence of an extraaxial empyema with T2 shine-through (positive DWI/negative ADC: both hyperintense). [Yes/No]
There is evidence of an extraaxial empyema with adjacent bone osteomyelitis having positive fluid restriction (positive DWI/positive ADC: DWI hyperintense/ADC hypointense) in both areas. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of secondary arterial ischemic event. [Yes/No]
No other significant imaging findings are present. [Yes/No]