MSK Infection – CT
MSK Infection – CT
Search Pattern Assist ?History
There is patient motion or other limitations. [Yes/No]
There is edema or hyperenhancement.
There is soft tissue ulceration or sinus tract.
There is gas or foreign body.
There is confluent hypoenhancement to suggest phlegmon, suppuration, abscess, or drainable fluid collection.
Investing/Intermuscular Fascia
There is edema, thickening, or hyperenhancement.
There is hypoenhancement or gas along the fascia.
There is bulging of the fascia.
There is edema or hyperenhancement.
There is hypoenhancement, lack of enhancement, or organized fluid collection.
There is fatty atrophy.
There are fractures. [Yes/No]
There is periosteal reaction, osseous destruction, or focal demineralization to suggest osteomyelitis.
There is cloaca, sequestrum, or involucrum.
There is a subperiosteal or intra-osseous abscess. [Yes/No]
Visualized Joints
There is a joint effusion.
There is malalignment, degenerative changes, or other gross internal derangement. [Yes/No]
There is tenosynovitis.
Major visualized vascular structures are abnormal. [Yes/No]
Major visualized nerves are abnormal. [Yes/No]