Critical Care
Register with us to track your activity and claim CME for Decision Support
Learning Packages
Plain Film Demo
SIMulation testing interface
- Advanced search tools help you quickly find the case scenarios you need.
- Watch an expert take the case in 5 minutes.
- All cases eligible for point-of-care AMAPRA Category 1 CME™ credits.
- Our library is growing. Explore Decision Support to see our current listings.
Great material for students, residents and teachers!
Comprehensive tools for directed learning, honing your observational and interpretive skills.
Foundational videos cover the basics.
Search Pattern Assist, Case Samples, and Accredited Case Practices give you a complete adult learning pathway.
Search Pattern Assist are your core training materials: a thorough, systematic walkthrough of critical care scenario-specific observations.
- Learn all of the necessary observations with sample images
- Watch 15-30 minute introductory presentations from subspecialty experts.
Assess your abilities and progress with our library of real-life test cases, organized by clinical scenario.
- Review the full set of images
- Record all necessary observations and impressions.
- Check your competency against our expert 5-minute case videos and final reports.
- AMAPRA Category 1 CME™ eligible
- Expand your knowledge-base
- Study our learning materials and earn AMAPRA Category 1 CME™ credits
- Same great tools organized for bite-sized adult learning
Purchase Critical Care Training for just $10/year to access all of this material
- Learning packages go beyond the critical care materials
- Competency-based, scenario-driven learning activities with authentic assessment
- Use to fill knowledge gaps, and meet quality & safety project requirements.
- Earn AMAPRA Category 1 CME™ credits
- Review complete cases, including normals, and provide appropriate consultation and reports
- Receive feedback - discover your knowledge gaps
- Watch expert reviews and build a remediation plan
- Improve your quality of practice
Our SIMs are authentic competency assessments. Relied upon by over 45 ACGME radiology programs.