Sternal Fx
CC2007-Sternal Fx
CC2007-Sternal Fx
Case ReportHistory
Prior Study
The cervicothoracic junction and the thoracolumbar junction are included on the AP exam, and the cervicothoracic junction is included on the lateral view. The thoracolumbar junction is not entirely included on the lateral view.
The AP view is somewhat over penetrated.
The upper thoracic spine is limited by overlying bones and soft tissues on the lateral view. A snap overlies the right pedicle of T5 on the AP view.
Prevertebral and paravertebral soft tissues:
The prevertebral or paravertebral soft tissues are normal.
Spinal alignment:
The vertebral bodies are normally aligned.
The visualized spinous processes are not malaligned or distracted on the AP view, but are not well seen on the lateral view.
Vertebral bodies, posterior elements and ribs:
There are 12 rib-bearing vertebral bodies.
There is no fracture or distraction of a vertebral body, end plate, rib, transverse or spinous process, pedicle, or other posterior element.
There is mild anterior wedging of a mid thoracic vertebral body, likely chronic.
There is no focal or diffuse abnormal mineralization of the thoracic spine.
Disc spaces, facet joints, and neural foramina:
There is no subluxation, distraction, focal widening or narrowing of a disc space.
There is no widening, rotational abnormality, or displacement of facets at any motion segment. There is no facet joint or foraminal narrowing.
Additional soft tissues and bones (included neck, chest, and abdomen):
There is no abnormality of the soft tissues and bones of the included neck other than from degenerative change.
There is dislocation at the sterno-manubrial junction and a fracture of the mid body of the sternum.
There is no abnormality of the included lungs, mediastinum, airways, or upper abdomen.
Other findings:
There are no other existing conditions that might be contributing to symptoms which can or should be further evaluated non-emergently.