Non Accidental Trauma Neuro - MR
Non Accidental Trauma Neuro - MR
Search Pattern Assist ?Exam
MR T1-w, pre or post
There is evidence of extraaxial post traumatic injury (similar search pattern as head CT). [Yes/No]
There is evidence of intraaxial post traumatic injury (similar search pattern as head CT). [Yes/No]
There is evidence of brain injury of mixed ages highly concerning for NAT. [Yes/No]
MR flair, or T2w spin echo
There are extraaxial, blood products. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of brain contusion(s). [Yes/No]
There is evidence of mass effect producing brain herniation(s). [Yes/No]
There are multiple sites of punctate edema or microhemorrhage within the white matter and/or along the gray-white subcortical junction/ within the corpus callosum, Centro nuclear structures, or brainstem consistent with brain shear acceleration-deceleration injury. [Yes/No]
There is vasogenic edema (and likely microhemorrhage) along egress pathways or cortical veins or the deep thalamostriate veins indicating venous tether injuries. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of abnormal fluid accumulation along the margin of any major artery suggesting para arterial hematoma without intimal dissection-(Denver type 1 arterial injury). [Yes/No]
There is evidence of abnormal fluid signal along the margin of any major artery with evidence of intimal flap or pseudoaneurysm confirming traumatic arterial dissection. [Yes/No]
There is cytogenic edema in a recognizable arterial perfusion zone consistent with stroke superimposed on the traumatic injuries. [Yes/No]
There is abnormal MR flair signal within the lumen of any major cortical vein or dural sinus suggesting venous egress thrombosis. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of ventriculomegaly with subependymal edema indicating hydrocephalus (likely caused by SAH (which may not be evident) or sequestered ventricles. [Yes/No]
MR susceptibility (SWI)
There is SWI evidence of abnormal susceptiblity artifact associated with extraaxial/ intraaxial/ intraventricular or subependymal/ subpial blood products. [Yes/No]
There is SWI evidence of parenchymal linear susceptiblity artifact following a cortical vein consistent with venous tether injury and resultant brain laceration. [Yes/No]
There is SWI evidence of a few, multiple, or even diffuse parenchymal punctate susceptiblity artifacts, especially in the subpial spaces, gray-white matter junction, major forceps corpus callosum, basal ganglia, thalamus, mesencephalon and central brain stem consistent with DAI. [Yes/No]
There is SWI evidence of thrombus within the lumen (exhibiting blooming artifact) of any major cortical vein or dural sinus. [Yes/No]
There is altered SWI appearance of the venocapillary pool and the deep venous system, either increased from dysautoregulation-related hyperemia or reduced from vasospasm. [Yes/No]
MR diffusion (DWI & ADC maps)
There is evidence of positive MR-diffusion but negative ADC (edema shine-through effect) associated with intraaxial parenchymal injury not evident on CT or other MR sequences. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of positive MR-diffusion and ADC (actual positive restriction) in areas of post traumatic or hypoxic cytogenic edema or intercurrent arterial occlusion. [Yes/No]
The distrubution of the positive sites on the DWI are consistent with a single trauma vector versus vectors of different directions (shaking) in NAI patients. [Yes/No]
There is positive diffusion and positive ADC associated with intraaxial parenchymal injury and local ischemic effects not evident on CT or other MR sequences. This is especially evident in infants (< 1 year old) with NAI. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of concurrent abnormalities not likely related to recent brain injury. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of major arterial post traumatic dissection. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of pial or meningeal arterial entrapment in a fracture. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of major arterial post traumatic injury producing a pseudoaneurysm. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of major arterial post traumatic injury producing a high or low flow AV fistula. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of deformity (external compression) or thrombosis of a dural sinus. [Yes/No]
There is evidence of concurrent abnormalities not likely related to recent brain injury. [Yes/No]