Non Accidental Trauma Overview
Non Accidental Trauma Overview
Search Pattern Assist ?History
Evaluate history
There is history of repeated ER/Pediatrician’s office visit.
There is a history of high impact injuries. [Yes/No]
The histories at different time frames are inconsistent. [Yes/No]
The referral is from Child protection team or General Pediatrician. [Yes/No]
Assess risk factors
The patient is under 3 years of age. [Yes/No]
The child is non ambulatory. [Yes/No]
There is a known medical condition. [Yes/No]
There are liver or renal problems.
The patient has neuromuscular problems. [Yes/No]
The parents are very young. [Yes/No]
There is a family history of child abuse, alcohol or substance abuse, any psychiatric illness, violence, jail sentence. [Yes/No]
The socioeconomic status is low. [Yes/No]
The hygiene of the care takers and/or child is poor. [Yes/No]
There is a delay in seeking the medical help. [Yes/No]
There is history of chronic infection of bone/s.
The baby is born premature. [Yes/No]
Physical examination
There are multiple soft tissue injuries, lacerations/bruises/burns. [Yes/No]
The mechanism of injuries is not explained by the reported trauma. [Yes/No]
There is head injury. [Yes/No]
There are chronic deformities on the physical exam. [Yes/No]
The sclera is blue. [Yes/No]
The dentition is abnormal. [Yes/No]
The patient has a short stature. [Yes/No]
The skull shape is abnormal. [Yes/No]
The joints are hyper extensible. [Yes/No]
There is an evidence of sexual abuse. [Yes/No]
There is an evidence of nutritional deficiency. [Yes/No]
There is a burn injury in non ambulatory patient. [Yes/No]
Any Laboratory findings
Bleeding disorder is suspected. [Yes/No]
Metabolic bone disease. [Yes/No]
Genetic test results. [Yes/No]
Child Protection team involved. [Yes/No]
Prior studies
Any skeletal survey. [Yes/No]
Head CT. [Yes/No]
Any extremity imaging. [Yes/No]
Spine imaging. [Yes/No]
CT/USG of abdomen and pelvis. [Yes/No]